Monday, March 31, 2008

Out of my skin.

I want to sing beyond my voice...beyond my small squeaky voice!

I want to get out of my head...and into yours!

I want to drive away from here...and find where I really belong!

I want to pause everything...till I figure out what I'm supposed to do!

I want to if I've known how all along!

I want to jump without if there was nothing to lose!

I want to fall into your arms...forgetting my reserved personality!

I want to forget about my weakensses...push past everything that stopped me!

I want to know my hope is real...something is worth it all!

I want to be content with whatever the answer is...wonderful or seemingly disastrous!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mi dos.

You are the quiet I love.

You are the noise I love.

You are the life I love.

You are the distance I love.

You are the closeness I love.

You are the talent I love.

You are the future I love.

You are the present I love.

You are the touch I love.

You are the faith I love.

You are the freedom I love.

You are the moment I love.

You are the reality I love.

You are the dream I love.

You are the thought I love.

You are the similarity I love.

You are the difference I love.

You are the encouragement I love.

You are the answer I love.

You are the question I love.

You are.

Thursday, March 13, 2008 what I told myself.

In the morning I usually feel that sleep HAS TO BE more important than ANYTHING that could happen in my waking therefore, I go back to sleep. NOTHING can be more important than getting another hour of sleep! is what I tell myself.

Sometimes I think I'd rather risk getting fat than actually have to run on a treadmill. That makes no sense...because being fit is of utmost importance to me and I want to be in shape more than anything. But I can actually trick myself into thinking being fat/average would be better than having to run. Nothing can be worse than running! is what I tell myself.

I generally think having a good time tonight will be worth any personal bad effects on me tomorrow. By this I don't mean anything'm not talking about having sex tonight and being pregnant tomorrow...I'm not talking about drinking tonight and being hung over tomorrow...I'm not talking about breaking the law tonight and getting caught tomorrow. I have a lot of freedom and I choose not to do that stuff...but still, w/e I choose to do that keeps me out late usually has an effect on me Sunday morning (8:00 when I open the gym...I'm a zombie lol). Tonight will be worth it. is what I tell myself.

I don't really like taking medicine. I don't go for all those pills my friends take. I've never gone searching for an Asprin or anything like that. I just don't really need it. Now, when I have a cold my dad tells me to suck on those nasty zinc losenges (sort of like medicine). Now, I'm sure they just might work. But personally, I'd rather be sick than have that disgusting taste in my mouth. is what I tell myself. (So I cough like a smoker all week)

So I had the chance to be in the honors society at school. Hmm that would probably look good for me to be a part of that. But then I read the letter. Oh, I have to write an essay. No thanks. Nothing is worth writitng an essay. is what I told myself.

No one to blame but me I suppose. hah.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

True Story.

So, this is me living my life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Infinite Abyss

So, Garden State is my new favorite movie of all time.

I love it. I love it. I simply love it.