Monday, June 30, 2008

Viva La Vida

So it was a pretty amazing trip!

best parts:
Climbing around the water falls, swimming, and such.
Talking with Rachael till 3 am!
Corn Muffins.
The view, wherever we went.
The authentic food they served us at our work site.
Cute little girl I taught to shred paper.
Dancing to Audio Adrenaline "Get Down"...just like last year!
Nice showers at our villa.
Ice cream at the beach.
Getting no sunburn or bug bites whatsoever!
Finding that turtle wrap skirt.

things i learned from:
Annoying brat kid "helping" me shred paper.
Overheating paper-shredders that took 30 mins to cool down.
Living at an airport for over 13 hours.
Washing 1,000 dishes for like 3 hours.
Cleaning bathrooms.
Losing all my poker chips against a retard kid who got lucky with pocket Aces, his first hand.
Jeremy being a running gossip tabloid about my life.
Staying out all night with the guys when you're going to Puerto Rico at 4am.
Scratching/Bruising up my leg climbing on rocks.
No flushing toilet paper.

And if I had the choice, I'd do it all over again!

1 comment:

Drea said...

hey joy!! ur amazing.... viva la vida!!!!