Friday, February 8, 2008

Cry me a river

It's hard to express numbness.

I hate having wonderful dreams, because as soon as I dream it I am certain it will never be attained. I can't do the whole close my eyes and wait for my true love to save me thing. My doubt keeps my dreams from coming true. There are many a thing that I despise about myself.

How do you stop yourself from falling in love with the most amazing person you know? How terrible it is for your mind to inform you that you've met Mr. Amazing, but then tell you to keep your heart in check?

1 comment:

Miss Mocca said...

Oh my darling. If only I was brilliant enough to give you a good answer to this life question. But alas, I fail in this aspect myself. What is wrong with the two of us? All I can say is to stay true to who you are, and if you get your heart broken, hey, at least it proves you have one. It will help you to grow. Just remember not to let anyone change you. Love you dearest.
